
Shutterfly Holiday Direct Mail

We recently completed a bunch of Holiday campaigns for Shutterfly. Response was fantastic (but proprietary), but I think you might want to see what we did. Here's our first mailer where we introduced a gift card. We were mailing this way before the Holiday, so I wanted something people could easily keep with them as they went shopping. The gift card was put in loose so customers could put in their wallet.

We then created an accordion-folded gift guide.

And a postcard.

And finally a tri-fold self-mailer.


Anonymous said...

I've been a Shutterfly user for a few years and I received each of your pieces. As a marketer, I can tell you that when I received each piece, I told my husband they were very well done (because I always evaluate direct mail pieces I receive).

Anna Schafer said...

Nice knowledge gaining article. This post is really the best on this valuable topic.
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